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click on image to go to CREATIVE LIVE

Take amazing photos with your mobile device 


If you love shooting, processing and sharing images with your mobile device, this class is guaranteed to up your game. Discover today's most powerful apps to correct, enhance and transform your photos.

If you're new to to the idea of using your mobile device for serious work, join us for an introduction to the potential of mobile cameras.

Learn everything you need to know about using your device to capture images. Get familiar with the tools available for mobile photography, from tips on equipment to the best apps for shooting, enhancing and editing photos.

No matter your skill level, you'll discover new perspectives on how to make serious photography with a mobile device.

Topics covered:
• • iPhone photography tips and tutorials

• • Apps: find the most up-to-date ones that fit your vision.

• • Equipment--Which Smart phone, Lenses, Tripods, & other necessary gear

• • Camera Apps. Lots of different choices. Learn which apps will help you realize your vision.

•• Taking Pictures (Composition)

• Post Production and Editing--Make the reality fit your vision. This is where the “secret sauce” can be found for making your images stand out.

learn how to use COLOR/LIGHTING modules in LIGHTROOM MOBILE

learn how to use COLOR/LIGHTING modules in LIGHTROOM MOBILE

